How to design facebook Like social Networking site using buddypress plugins in wordpress

If you want to start your own social networking site you can do it very easily if you have basic knowledge of WordPress CMS. When i say basic knowledge i mean you have idea how to create a page in WordPress or how to create in WordPress cms and you better know how to install themes and plugins in WordPress.In this tutorial i have shown you how to create a social networking site using Buddy-press Plugin in WordPress cms. This is a simple and straight forward tutorial.When you finished watching below video you will be very easily able to create and launch your own social networking site like Facebook.

How to install and configure PhpMyAdmin tool in Ubuntu linux

This tutorial is all about Phpmyadmin tool installation in Ubuntu Linux,But before phpmyadmin tool installation you need to learn how to install install Mysql database in Ubuntu Linux.
After you configure MySQL on Ubuntu Linux You can follow below steps mentioned in video and can easily install and configure phpmyadmin tool on Ubuntu Linux.
Remember before watching this video you must install and configure MySQL server on your Ubuntu Linux machine.

How to configure MySQL Server on Ubuntu Linux

This tutorial for all Ubuntu linux users.This tutorial is focused on installation and configuration of MySQL on Ubuntu Linux.We will also learn to create database in MySQL, to see database in MySQL
3.and how to delete or drop MySQL database.

If you want to learn all above things in just few minutes watch this video carefully.It will help you if you are a IT or computer science student or a database engineer or a DBA.

Advance Ethical Hacking Diploma Course in Jaipur city at Ethical Hacking Tuition center

Advance Ethical Hacking Diploma Course in Jaipur city at Ethical Hacking Tuition Center

This training Module has been designed for students who is really interested in ethical hacking and who wants to be expertise in each and every field of computer and IT Security.

In Advance Ethical Hacking diploma Course we include following training Modules:

CCENT training + CCNA Training + WINDOWS  Training+ ANDROID SECURITY Training + LINUX Training  + SERVER Management Training+ SERVER SECURITY Training + Cryptography Training + Virtualization Training +Storage Management Training+WEN Designing Training + Web security Training +SEO Training +YouTube Business Training


Anyone who can read and write and understand english and have basic knowledge of computer like on off computer or laptop and can be able to use internet.

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How to enable root user and root password in Ubuntu Linux

By default every Ubuntu linux user finds no root login and then they have to use sudo command every time. If you don't want to use sudo command each time you install a package or start a service you need to be root user. In this tutorial i have told you how to enable root user in Ubuntu Linux in just few simple steps. If you want to learn it completely watch the below video till end.

Advantage of being ROOT USER:

Being a root user you dont need to run sudo command always.Now you can directly run any command without using an extra command sudo.

IS it Good to Always Login with ROOT USER in UBUNTU?

If you ask me this question My Answer will be in NO!
If you want to do certain administrative task on your Ubuntu Linux Machine or Any Linux Machine installed in your Laptop or Computer or Server I personally suggest you to never ever Login to your Linux Machine as ROOT User unless you have to do some important Administrative task which is not possible without root Login.

What is Threat in ROOT LOGIN?

If you always used to Login as root user in your Linux then there is so much chances of hack attack on your Linux Machine and very chances that your machine can get compromised. Because if someone got root access to your Linux Machine He/she can do any thing.When i say anything then I mean anything in destructive manner.

How to install and configure ProFTPD on UBUNTU 14.04

ProFTPD is a File Transfer protocol used in case we need to transfer file from on machine to other,whether from server to client or client to server.When file get transfer from server to client known as downloading and when the file get transfer from client to server it is know as uploading.But in both case FTP is working. Here in this tutorial we will learn installation and configuration of ProFTPD services on a Ubuntu Linux Machine.
This tutorial is for beginners who are new to Ubuntu Linux and who wants to configure and install proftpd server easily in just few simple steps.If you are a Linux Advance user then this tutorial might not be for you.If you have any suggestion kindly suggest it through comment section.

Step1: First we need to confirm that all packages are up to date and for that we run below command.

#apt-get update  (only for root user)

$ sudo apt-get update (For non-root user)

Step2:Install Proftpd package

#apt-get -y install proftpd

Step3:Then you have to made some changes as i have mentioned in this video.If you want to configure proftpd accurately with no mistakes must watch this video on proftpd configuration on Ubuntu Linux.

Step4: Restart the proftpd service

#service proftpd restart

Step5;Check whether proftpd service is running or not.

#service proftpd status

100 Web Vulnerabilities you should know as a Web application Penetration Tester

100 Web Vulnerabilities you should know as a Web application Penetration Tester If you are working as web application penetration testing en...