Active and Passive FTP Design and Security analysis Project For Computer Science Student

If you are a computer science student or studying B.E/ this could be summer internship seminar topic or your Minor or Major Projects. Our Project Topic is  "Active and Passive FTP Design and Security analysis".Here i will only give the Abstract i mean basic idea of project and not the complete Project Code.

This is a Security Analysis Project and this project does a detailed analysis of the two different types of the FTP protocol, Active and Passive.I hope you better know about active and passive FTP Protocol and if not keep visiting my blog i will soon post on ftp active and passive ftp protocol.

 The design of the protocols:

The design of this project  include the TCP connection establishment on the respective ports,
are verified using live practical analysis with wireshark protocol analyzer tool.You can easily finnd wireshark tool for any linux operating system or even windows operating systems.

 The different types of security vulnerabilities and attacks:

This projcet is targeted security loopholes and attacks on FTP based application are understood.

Lab setup For This Project:

I have mentioned in detail the complete lab setup you need to perform this project.
A lab setup topology with appropriate instructions is provided for practical experiment.

What your Project Report Contents?

1. Basic FTP Server and FTP Client Design with Detail Diagram.

In this section you have to Design a flowchart diagram showing FTP Server and FTP Clients.
Your FTP Server will be a Linux Machine.You can configure vsftpd Server on your Ubuntu Linux or You can Configure ProFTPD Server on Ubuntu Linux. You can also configure ftp server on your RHEL machine.

2. FTP Types (Active and Passive)

Here you have to mention the difference between ACTIVE AND PASSIVE FTP with few examples.

3.Brief Wireshark analysis of Active FTP with detail explanation on capture file

Use Wireshark Tool and using wireshark tool capture the Active FTP Files and write a detail analysis on file captured.

4. Brief Wireshark analysis of Passive FTP with  detail explanation on capture file.

While capturing Passive FTP data don't forget to write its analysis report.

5. Show FTP loopholes and Mitigation

Mention the loopholes you find in detail.

6.Show different methods of  FTP attacks

Here in this section you have to show the different attacks methods you have used in this Project.

7. Software and Hardware Requirement

you just need a laptop or a pc with good configuration.
You need a virtualization software like Oracle Virtualox or Vmware Workstation.
You need Linux operating system like ubuntu,redhat Enterprise Linux or Kali Linux

8. Lab Setup for Live capture with wireshark

You have three Operating System installed in your Virtualbox.
One os will be your Linux Server configured with FTP.
Another OS will be your windows or Linux Client Machine.
3rd os will be your ubuntu linux Machine or Redhat Linux Machine with wireshark tool installed.
Dont forget o configure internal networking between these all three os.And also configure or enable bridge option in network setting in virtualbox.

command line password protection of a file in Linux using vi and vim editor

This tutorial is all about how to assign password to a file in Linux without using any software,just by using vi editor or vim editor. We will learn how to provide password protection to a file in Linux machine using vi editor or vim editor.We will learn all the methods of password protection using vim and vi editor using command line , not only that but we will also learn how to change password of a file in Linux using vim editor and we will also see how to remove password from a file.

Method 1: #vim -x filename

This method is very easy to implement. i have shown this method in video,so watch video carefully.

Method 2: Vim filename


In this method we will use capital X before saving file to assign it carefully in video.

Method 3: # vim fiename

:set key=password123

I have also included this method in video.You can learn all above method easily by just watching this video.
If you still have any doubts you can ask me through comment section either on my YouTube channel or here.

Different methods to find your public ip address using cli in linux

Whether you are network engineer or a Linux System Administrator doesn't matter you always need to know the public ip address of your network , Private ip address of any Linux machine can be easily seen using ifconfig command line tool or show ip address command but when it comes to find the public ip address it sometimes become very difficult situation if you are using a Linux operating system and you are using cli mode of linux.

How to design facebook Like social Networking site using buddypress plugins in wordpress

If you want to start your own social networking site you can do it very easily if you have basic knowledge of WordPress CMS. When i say basic knowledge i mean you have idea how to create a page in WordPress or how to create in WordPress cms and you better know how to install themes and plugins in WordPress.In this tutorial i have shown you how to create a social networking site using Buddy-press Plugin in WordPress cms. This is a simple and straight forward tutorial.When you finished watching below video you will be very easily able to create and launch your own social networking site like Facebook.

How to install and configure PhpMyAdmin tool in Ubuntu linux

This tutorial is all about Phpmyadmin tool installation in Ubuntu Linux,But before phpmyadmin tool installation you need to learn how to install install Mysql database in Ubuntu Linux.
After you configure MySQL on Ubuntu Linux You can follow below steps mentioned in video and can easily install and configure phpmyadmin tool on Ubuntu Linux.
Remember before watching this video you must install and configure MySQL server on your Ubuntu Linux machine.

How to configure MySQL Server on Ubuntu Linux

This tutorial for all Ubuntu linux users.This tutorial is focused on installation and configuration of MySQL on Ubuntu Linux.We will also learn to create database in MySQL, to see database in MySQL
3.and how to delete or drop MySQL database.

If you want to learn all above things in just few minutes watch this video carefully.It will help you if you are a IT or computer science student or a database engineer or a DBA.

Advance Ethical Hacking Diploma Course in Jaipur city at Ethical Hacking Tuition center

Advance Ethical Hacking Diploma Course in Jaipur city at Ethical Hacking Tuition Center

This training Module has been designed for students who is really interested in ethical hacking and who wants to be expertise in each and every field of computer and IT Security.

In Advance Ethical Hacking diploma Course we include following training Modules:

CCENT training + CCNA Training + WINDOWS  Training+ ANDROID SECURITY Training + LINUX Training  + SERVER Management Training+ SERVER SECURITY Training + Cryptography Training + Virtualization Training +Storage Management Training+WEN Designing Training + Web security Training +SEO Training +YouTube Business Training


Anyone who can read and write and understand english and have basic knowledge of computer like on off computer or laptop and can be able to use internet.

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How to enable root user and root password in Ubuntu Linux

By default every Ubuntu linux user finds no root login and then they have to use sudo command every time. If you don't want to use sudo command each time you install a package or start a service you need to be root user. In this tutorial i have told you how to enable root user in Ubuntu Linux in just few simple steps. If you want to learn it completely watch the below video till end.

Advantage of being ROOT USER:

Being a root user you dont need to run sudo command always.Now you can directly run any command without using an extra command sudo.

IS it Good to Always Login with ROOT USER in UBUNTU?

If you ask me this question My Answer will be in NO!
If you want to do certain administrative task on your Ubuntu Linux Machine or Any Linux Machine installed in your Laptop or Computer or Server I personally suggest you to never ever Login to your Linux Machine as ROOT User unless you have to do some important Administrative task which is not possible without root Login.

What is Threat in ROOT LOGIN?

If you always used to Login as root user in your Linux then there is so much chances of hack attack on your Linux Machine and very chances that your machine can get compromised. Because if someone got root access to your Linux Machine He/she can do any thing.When i say anything then I mean anything in destructive manner.

How to install and configure ProFTPD on UBUNTU 14.04

ProFTPD is a File Transfer protocol used in case we need to transfer file from on machine to other,whether from server to client or client to server.When file get transfer from server to client known as downloading and when the file get transfer from client to server it is know as uploading.But in both case FTP is working. Here in this tutorial we will learn installation and configuration of ProFTPD services on a Ubuntu Linux Machine.
This tutorial is for beginners who are new to Ubuntu Linux and who wants to configure and install proftpd server easily in just few simple steps.If you are a Linux Advance user then this tutorial might not be for you.If you have any suggestion kindly suggest it through comment section.

Step1: First we need to confirm that all packages are up to date and for that we run below command.

#apt-get update  (only for root user)

$ sudo apt-get update (For non-root user)

Step2:Install Proftpd package

#apt-get -y install proftpd

Step3:Then you have to made some changes as i have mentioned in this video.If you want to configure proftpd accurately with no mistakes must watch this video on proftpd configuration on Ubuntu Linux.

Step4: Restart the proftpd service

#service proftpd restart

Step5;Check whether proftpd service is running or not.

#service proftpd status

Linux networking Combined Test paper for Ethical Hacking training Batch.

This Test paper has been designed at ETHICAL HACKING TUITION CENTER JAIPUR by satish Tiwary(Trainer) for Students of Ethical Hacking.The main motive behind designing this paper is to aware students about Linux and networking terminology and check there commands on Linux and Networking and make them ready for tackle Interview of Different IT Companies.

Students are advised to answer the question in there own language.Try to keep your answer to the point and not mention useless points in your answer.For every Right answer you will get the Marks and for every wrong answer negative Marking sytem.Post Your Answer through comments section.
Total Marks:180                           Pass Marks:120              Test Duration: 80Minutes

1. How will you determine which processes are running on your linux system,which hardware devices are available and how much ram is left? 4Marks

2.The system on-disk swap space needs to be increased after a memory upgrade.This new partition needs to be created,without affecting other existing partitions or mount points.All partitions should become active after each reboot. 6marks

3. The DHCP server is down. You need to get your workstation up on the network,so you have to edit the appropriate configuration files by hand to set up static networking. ( 10marks) 

a.What is your current ip address and netmask and broadcast address?
b.What is your current default gateway?
c.what is your current DNS name Server? will you shutdown your network interface?
e.define layer 3 static settings.
f.verify dns and hostname resolution.

4.explain below linux commands in just few lines.  (10 Marks)
a.ip addr show
bip route show
c.ifup eth0 /etc/resolve.conf
f. cat /etc/sysconfig/network

g.shutdown - r now -c 4
i. dig

5. Explain below Linux commands in short. 8Marks
a.setfacl -x u:linux:rx /home/satish.txt
b.setfacl -m d:u:student:rw /home/tiwary
d.echo $LANG

6. There are total three machine A,B and C. A login to machine C through B.Now write the configuration file of A ,B and C machine. 6 Marks

7.Answer following question: 4+15+1+1+1=23 Marks

a.what is difference between imap and pop3?
b.Write the port number of DNS,DHCP,TFTP,HTTPS,RDP,Whois,IMAP,IMAP(ssl)
c.GUI stands for
d CLI stands for
e.What is the maximum length for a file name in Linux?

8.This question is all about SSH Server.explain in short.  8Marks

a. ListeAddress
b.  Banner /etc/
c.  Protocol 2
d.  PermitRootLogin no

9.configure Apache web Server named it and both on a single machine.
Host a php site on which is combination of html+php and css. Also configure a php site on such that the html is integrated inside that php file using different H1 H2 tag     10Marks to reduce or shrink the size of LVM partition in Linux?And how to rename,split,extend,reduce and merge a volume group in Linux.  10marks

11.Write all the methods to Lock a user account in Linux and also how to unlock each Lock. 

                                                                                                                  10 Marks

12.what is the name and path of main linux system Log? 3 Marks

13.explain shell in Linux and how to see shells available for your Linux Machine? Also write command to change the shell of a specific user in Linux.  7marks.

14.explain Following: 3+3+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2=30Marks

a.Mention what are the ranges for the private IP? many ways you can access router?
l.half duplex with an example
m.tcp with an example
n.udp with an example
o.Physical Layer
p.route poisoning

15.Mention all the steps to secure a Cisco router locally and Remotely.  9 marks

16. What subnet does belongs to ?  marks

17.What valid host range is the IP address a part of?  8marks

18. What subnet does belongs to ? 8Marks

19.What is the broadcast address of the network ? 5 Marks

Methods to Secure your Wi-Fi Network from Hackers

If you are using any WI-FI device then this tutorial is for you.Today in this tutorial we will learn how to secure WI-FI Networks from hackers or the wrong guys or from unauthorized users.A secure Wi-Fi device means faster speed and no misuse.A secure Wi-Fi device means tension free net surfing.
Here i will mention few steps to secure or protect your wi-fi device.

1.Always use a strong password for your wi-fi device.

When i say strong password it means it's lenghth must be 8 character.Strong password means it's combination of letter numeric and special character.Also mixture of small letter and capitla letter and it should not be matching with username or SSID name.Strong password means a password which is not guessable and which can't be remeber even seen in a glance.

2.Never use default login name or password.

Default login name or username is easily hack-able so never user default username and password. Default login name and passwords are easily available on internet for approx all networking devices.

3.Change your default SSID.

most of the people used to change the password only and not the SSID,but you should change the default SSID too because hacking software's available in market are designed for all default SSID and  all default SSID names are already listed in hacking software's database.

4.Change Your default password even if it is a strong password.

Some people think that there default password is strong so no need to change it.Always remember default passwords are never safe.

5.Do discourage hacking attacks use a scary name.

Scary names keeps kids and hackers away from your network.

6.Keep checking connecting device list from your wi-fi router.

If you feel your network is used by someone else or someone else is also using your wi-fi device internet services then you must check it by login to your wi-fi router and check connected dvice list.You can use FING tool if you are using andoid mobile.

7.Enable MAC-Filtering based Security and allow each device with there mac address.

MAC-Filtering means allow or block any device from your wi-fi device using mac address of all devices whether it is computer laptop or mobile. Every device has it's mac address and they are fixed.

8.Keep your Wi-Fi software updated.

Always update your wi-fi router software

9.Reduce the range of your wi-fi signal.

Lesser the signal range minimum the chances of hacking.It will reduces the chances of hacking.

10.When you are not using Internet Just Turned it OFF.

When you are not using your wifi router you better turned it OFF.There is no point in keeping your wi-fi device on even when you are not using it.

11.Disable Guest network.

Configure software RAID-1 and Test data Recovery

If you are working as a Linux system Admin then i hope you are aware of software raid configuration.But if you are working as an storage Engineer or planning your career for a storage engineer then raid configuration will be part of your daily life.You must be good with software raid configuration,raid management,handling faulty disk and adding new disk to array.Here in this tutorial i am going to show you how to configure software RAID-1 and how to remove faulty devices,how to check faulty devices in raid,how to add new devices in a raid array.Overall this tutorial will show complete step to create,manage,add,remove,backup software raid using command line in Redhat enterprise Linux.

If you are interested in such a lab just watch this video till end and you will learn all above mentioned things.

Steps to create and configure software raid-1:

step1: create partitions of same size.
step2: update the partition table using partprobe command.
step3: don't forget to change the partition id to raid type
step4:create raid using mdadm command.
step5:create a folder
step6:format the created raid partition using mkfs.ext3
step7:Mount the raid device and it is ready to use.
step7:you can make a permanent entry of raid device inside /etc/fstab file.

How to write,compile and run java program on Redhat Enterprise Linux 4/5/6

As a java programmer or as a Linux System Admin or a Linux or java Programming student you may need to face a situation where you need to run a java program on a Linux Machine.If you are searching for this,if you want to write,compile or run a java program on Linux then this tutorial is for the tutorial till end and follow the steps as it is mentioned in Video.

What i have done in this Tutorial?

  1. I have written a basic java program.
  2. Then i have installed java compiler using yum.
  3. Then i compile the java program.
  4. After that i assign execute permission to java program.
  5. Then finally run the created java program

Benefits of Learning JAVA on Linux:

If you are already a java programmer then I hope you already know that importance of Linux for a Java Programmer.
But if you are new to JAVA Field you must know that almost every MNC Company want basic knowledge of Linux From a JAVA Developer.Now a days JAVA is primary language to develope Android Tools and You will be happy to know that Android is build on Linux Kernel,so it function,work and behave like Linux.

So Even if You want to be a a Good Android App developer JAVA on Linux will help you a lot.

Multiple Area OSPF configuration:cisco packet tracer Lab

This is an example lab on cisco packet tracer simulation software showing multi area  OSPF configuration. I hope you guys know how to configure OSPF Routing protocol if you don't then you can read my articles on OSPF configuration.But here this article or this tutorial is completely dedicated to multiple area ospf routing configuration in few simple steps.If you want to learn this configuration watch the video till end.

Television Configuration: Cisco Packet Tracer Lab

This i an example lab showing how to configure and manage Television in Cisco Packet Tracer.Like other devices we need to learn how to configure or how TV are configured and managed.Thats why cisco had integrated T.V inside its simulation software named cisco packet tracer and this lab is all about demonstration of use and connection of tv in cisco packet tracer.

This is an example lab showing Television configuration and its working process inside cisco packet tracer.

Learn how to Backup and Restore cisco Router Configuration using TFTP SERVER

Being a Network Engineer or Network Admin you always need to take backup of your Router Configuration so that in case of Power Failure or Any other Problems you can't loss your in this tutorial i have shown you how to take backup of your Cisco router configuration and i have also mentioned how to restore it back when you need it from a TFTP server.If you want to learn it watch the video till end.This is an example cisco packet tracer Lab showing how to take backup of Cisco router configuration using tftp server.

Each and every company whether it's a small IT firm or a big IT company everyone used to keep backups of there routers and whenever they need it they restore it backup.

How to upgrade or degrade Cisco Router IOS using TFTP server

While working as a Network Admin or as a networking students you must know how to upgrade or degrade a Cisco router IOS using TFTP Server or FTP server.Here in this tutorial i have mentioned how to upgrade or degrade cisco router IOS using TFTP server.Every Network Admin need to know how to upgrade or degrade router ios according to there requirement.

If you want to learn IOS Upgrade and IOS Degrade watch this video till end.

How to Upgrade or degrade cisco switch IOS using tftp server

Suppose you are working as a network engineer and you  want to upgrade or degrade your cisco switch IOS for some reasons how will you do this? This article will be the answer of your question or you can say solution of this problem.In this tutorial i have mentioned step wise tutorial showing you how to upgrade or degrade a cisco switch IOS using TFTP Server. If you want to learn it completely watch the video till end and if you like it must share and like it to support us.

How to add Google Analytics to Blogger

Today we are going to discuss about connecting your blogspot sites or blog with your google Analytics Account so that you can know more about your visitors locations and there interest. You can easily know what your readers want to study more.Google Analytics tool will help you bring more traffic to your site by analyzing the choice of readers and demands.

How to create sitemap for your blogspot website

For every blogger it is an important task to have a list of all his/her articles showing at a page show that there viewers or readers can easily see and find there topics of interest.And to do so he/she must know how to create a sitemap page which will automatically do all these task for him.Here in this tutorial i will show you how to create an archive page or sitemap page for your all blog posts.

This is a blogger tutorial for students who want to create blog and to earn money.

Telnet Proxy configuration in redhat enterprise linux

As we all know telnet is a remote login program.Using telnet one can login to a remote machine located in different place or different country,but then server can know the client machine ip and he or she can be traced.What it mean? It means you are no Anonymous anymore.So what to do to be anonymous? what is the method to hide your ip? Answer for all these question is to configure a telnet proxy machine or telnet proxy server or chain of telnet proxy server.

CHAT Server configuration in Redhat Enterprise Linux

If two Linux users want to communicate or chat with each other they can communicate without any third party server just by configuring chat server and chat client on Linux Machine.I have designed this tutorial for chat server configuration and for that i have used Redhat Enterprise Linux Server.

Step1:Install required package for chat server.

#yum install telnet*

Step2: Configure Telnet Server.

Step3:Open port using nc command line tool.

Step4:On client side get connected with telnet command on open port.

For example if server machine has open port 8888 and server ip address is Then client machine have to type below command to connect with server open for chat connection.
$ telnet 8888

If you have any problem regarding chat server configuration on Linux machine you have to just simply watch the entire video and your doubt will be clear.

Yum configuration on RHEL 7

If you are a linux user or  working as a linux system admin, then you must know how to configure Yum  on RHEL 7.And if your company is working on other version of Linux like RHEL5 RHEL6 or RHEL4 then you also have to  know how to configure yum on rhel4 rhel5 and rhel6 Machine.
I have already uploaded s many videos on yum server configuration so if you are new to Linux and yum you must watch my previous videos on my youtube channel slashrootdotin first.

Antivirus Installation and Hard Disk Scanning in Linux

This is a Antivirus installation configuration and Antivirus scanning Tutorial on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.In this tutorial you will find the method to install Antivirus in Linux and we will also learn how to scan system files in Linux and how to update the avg anitivirus in Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Antivirus in linux installation and configuration Tutorial.

How safe Linux is without any Antivirus?

When we are talking about Linux and at the same time we are talking about Antivirus you find it very uncommon Topic. It's uncommon because many people think that Linux is already Secure and there is no need of any Antivirus software or Anti-malware or Rootkit Scanning Tool for Linux Like Operating system But trust me this is completely a mith and nothing else that Linux is Completely secure.Trust Me Nothing Is Completely safe or secure.

 Then Why People say Linux is SAFE COMPUTING?

When we say we mean system security or computer computing or safe system whether it is windows or Linux is Like safe Sex.You have to practice it to avoid infection.

IS Antivirus Installation is Tough on Linux?

Every 6 out of 10 people ask me the same question.They want to know that whether installation and configuration of Antivirus program on Linx is a difficult task or it can be easily done like Windows operating system.
Antivirus installation and configuration in Linux is a s simple as you think.It is just a frame of mind that people think installation of anything inside linux is like mining gold, but it's not so. herein this article i will focus on AVG Antivirus configuration for Redhat enterprise Linux.This will be a Complete tutorial on avg antivirus installation and configuration with scanning in Linux machine for safe system.

IS it a nice Decision to HAVE an Antivirus Program for Linux Machine?

Ofcourse Yes!
Nothing is completely Secure,everything needs more attention and more security in Today's Digital world. The more Security is the More safe environment.
Lesser the Security chances of Hacking will be Maximum.So if you are not using an Antivirus on your Linux Machine then you are providing an opportunity to hackers or crackers to destroy your data your pc.

Hacking Linux password and securing Linux Password using Linux Grub security

Every Linus user whether  basic users or linux system admin they must face a problem regarding linux password.sometimes someone forget sometimes some other reasons.That's why in this tutorial we will learn how to hack linux password specially RHEL5 RHEL6 CentOS5 and CentOS6 and at the same time we will also learn to secure Linux Password using Linux Grub Security.This tutorial is also about Root user password Recovery in Linux. We will also learn what to do when you forget your Linux Root password.We will see method to break or bypass Linux Password at Boot Time.

VPN configuration on cisco Router (A cisco packet tracer lab)

VPN configuration on cisco Router (A cisco packet tracer lab)

This is a cisco packet tracer lab showing vpn configuration on cisco router.If you are a ccna ccnp or ccna security student you must have idea about how to configure and manage vpn services over cisco router.

This is an example lab showing vpn configuration on router using cisco packet tracer software.
I have created this tutorial in three parts to minimize the length of each videos.

If you want to learn about vpn configuration you must have to watch all these three videos which i have published on my youtube channel SLASHROOTDOTIN.

How to Crack Break or Bypasss Cisco router Password a cisco packet tracer Lab

How to Crack Break or Bypasss Cisco router Password a cisco packet tracer Lab.
This is a cisco packet tracer Lab showing how to crack cisco router password or how to hack cisco router password.

Configure Cisco Router as a Terminal server in cisco packet Tracer

Cisco Packet Tracer Lab configuring a cisco router as Terminal server.

This tutorial is all about how to configure terminal server on cisco router and how to manage and use terminal server configured on router.Configurea nd manage cisco router to used as a access server.

Top 50 things every ethical hackers must know about it.

Here you will come to know the top 50 topics which every ethical hackers should know.These are not only important ethical hacking tips or topics must compulsory topics for all cyber security experts and hackers or system security specialist.

To be an Ethical Hacker you must have idea about Windows and Linux Operating System.

You must be expert in Backup and Recovey in both Windows and linux platform.

You must of sound Knowledge of Mobile Technology and android Security Essentials.

You must be good in Firewall configuration on windows and Linux Both.

You must be good in SELinux Configuration.

You must have Server configuration and Server Security Knowledge.

You must have Good Knowledge Networking.And when i am talking about networking i mean you must be expert in routing and switching along with wireless communication and wireless security.

You must have idea about all networking devices including network firewall.

If you have network security knowledge that will be bonus.

Virtualization technology helps you to sharpen your skills and practice ethical hacking labs.

Storage management helps you to manage and handle data properly.

You must have basic programming knowledge of html,css,javascript and php.

You also have basic idea of how to write compile and run c,c++,java,python,perl and ruby programming on Linux platform.

configure your Windows machine as Yum Server

Yum server configuration in windows8.this tutorial is all about configuration of Yum server on a windows machine and the Linux Machines will be used as yum client.

FreeRADIUS Server installation and configuration on Redhat enterprise Linux

Here we are going to install and configure FreeRadius server on RHEL5 machine. You can say this tutorial is all about FreeRADIUS Server installation and configuration on Redhat enterprise Linux.
So what we will learn in this tutorial?

FreeRadius Server configuration in RedHat Enterprise Linux 5. FreeRadius Server configuration in CentOS5 FreeRadius Server configuration in Linux Machine. How to install and Use radius Server for authentication on a Linux Machine. setting up free radius server on RHEL5 machine or centos5 for AAA system. installation of free Radius server on RHEL5 using yum package management. Installation of free radius server on Linux configuring yum server. Linux machine as Free Radius Server.

Which is best among wordpress Drupal and Blogspot for earning Online Money

Which is best among wordpress Drupal and Blogspot for earning Online Money.
 Which platform is better among wordpress and Blogspot.
Which is better between wordpress and Drupal and why?
Which will generates more revenue from ads among blogspot ,Drupal and wordpress?
 You can find your answer in this video.

This tutorial is all about online earning platform for blogger.after reading this article or watching the video you will be able to decide that as a blogger which platform will brings more revenue for you. Or you can say which is the best platform for earning online money.

Complete Blogger Tutorial on Blogspot,wordpress,Drupal and web hosting

Complete Blogger Tutorial on Blogspot,wordpress,Drupal and web hosting.
Learn wordpress Hosting Drupal hosting Joomla Hosting oscommerce hosting.
Also learn blogspot platform for blogging.
Learn how to use free hosting and free domain.

Blogger tutorial





If you are a Linux system admin or a Linux student this playlist of my youtube channel will help you to build your career in System security Filed.

If you are working as a Network Engineer or Network Administrator you must read this article.

Network security related Terms and Topics Tutorial.

Free CCNA Tutorial for Networking Students and Computer Science Students.

If you are RHCE certified or you are interested in RHCSS Training you can get RHCSS Tutorial for free.For free Tutorial you must read my below article.





CCNA FRESH BATCH IS STARTING FROM MONDAY AT 6 PM at ethical hacking tuition center Jaipur

Training head satish tiwary

Course Duration 45 Days   

 CCNA Course Fees:Rs9000

 Total Test Papers:3  2 lab Test and 1 Theory Test Paper

This course will make you able to configure and manage Cisco router and switch well and also make you capable of configuring Wi-Fi devices.
During CCNA Training our main focus will be on Routing and Switching But we also include Windows Networking and Linux Networking Lab in this Module.


You can contact Satish Tiwary(Ethical hacking Tuition center jaipur)
Cyber Security Expert
Network Security specialist and Trainer for ccna ccnp ccna-security linux ethical-hacking ipv6 cloud-computing

Digital Marketing Training in Jaipur at ETHICAL HACKING TUITION CENTER

Course Syllabus : Digital Marketing

 Digital Marketing Training in Jaipur at ETHICAL HACKING TUITION CENTER

Module1.Basics of Websites & Digital Marketing

Fundamental of Digital Marketing : Concept, Scope,Areas to Explore
HTML Basic Tags
Builiding Websites on Weebly, Wordpress & Blogger

Module 2.SEO - On Page Optimization

Broken links,Backlinks
W3 Errors
Keyword research & optimization
Heading Tag Optimization : Reporting, Suggestion and Implementing
Titles & Meta Descriptions
 Website Content Optimization
Meta & Title Tags Adjustment
XLM Site Map Setup
Robot.txt Validation
Google Analytics and Webmaster Tool Setup
SERP - rankings on google
Plugins Installation and Monitoring
Heading Tag Optimization : Reporting, Suggestion and Implementing
Duplicate Content Reporting
Duplicate Content Rewording/ re writing using seo target keywords
Plugings & Internal Linking
Permalinks Optimization :Reporting, Suggestion and Implementing

Module3.SEO : Off-Site Optimization

 Submission to Major Search Engines
Submission to Major Online Directories
 Submission to Country Wise Directories
Social Media Bookmarking
Article Submission
PDF,PPT, Image Submission
Blog Commeting
Guest Blogging
Blog Submission
Classified Ad Submission

Module 4.Paid Advertising : Email Marketing, FB Marketing & Google Adwords

Facebook Marketing : Ad Plan, Ad Setup With banner Images, Monitering & Reporting( 1 Ad : Website Conservsion, Apps Installation , Promote Page Etc)
Google Adwords : Search Ads Type : Keyword Research,
1 Campaign, 2 Adgroups, 5 Ads. Display Ads : 2 Banner Graphics keyword Research, 1 Ad Group, 2 Ads.
Email Marketing : Content Writing as per Offers, services & Discounts, Custome Template Building, HTML Conversion, Use of Emailing Software : Account Creation, Creating Customer List, Sending Emails
Module 4.Social Media Optimization

FACEBOOK: Custom Graphics and Setting Profile with about/ hours and other information of business: For your Social Media Account : facebook business page
Google business profile & Page: with custom graphics and setting up profile with proper information
 Twitter business profile & Page: with custom graphics and setting up profile with proper information
Pinterest : making account, creating 5 boards, entering board description with keyword rcih descriptions, pinning 5 images to begin with, so 1 each in each board
Instagram: creating account and updating profile

You tube optimisation, creating account/ channel if you don’t have one, optimise the channel description and other work as per you tube channel checklist
Linked in prfile creation, optimisation

Social Media Content Creation and Posting : 5 Social Media Platform: 2 post for each platform and 1 Image Post and 1 interesting post found related to the business you are in on web and shared on your page each day. Along with :Commenting, Follows, Likes, Shares,
Youtube Optimization
Pinterst Posting , pinning, re pinning,

Module 5: Reporting and Monitoring

Initial website ranking and evaluation report
Analytics report and webmaster report
Adword Report, Fb Insight
Marketing Media Audit Report
SERP Report
Competitor Analysis Report (Media Audit Report)

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